Dr Lennie Bazira Igbodipe-Kyomuhangi Interim CEO (Amref Health Africa) AMREF

Dr Lennie Bazira Igbodipe-Kyomuhangi Interim CEO (Amref Health Africa) AMREF

December 28 19:53 2014 Visitors ~ 37,428 views Print This Article


Dr Lennie Bazira Igbodipe-Kyomuhangi is Amref Health Africa’s Country Director for Kenya. She is a health economist with a Masters Degree in Health Economics, post-graduate Diploma in Human Resources Management, post-graduate Diploma in Health Systems Management and a Bachelor of Dental Surgery Degree.

She has working experience of more than 20 years within the sub-Saharan Africa health sector in areas such as health and HIV technical knowledge, programme management and leadership, as well as health care financing. Her work experience spans various disciplines including Ministry of Health, USG/PEPFAR-supported projects, multi-country coordination, health care financing, HIV and AIDS care, research, programming and consultation.

As Country Director, Lennie provides overall leadership and management of the Amref Health Africa in Kenya country programme, overseeing an annual budget of more than US$40m and staff strength of more than 400. She sits on various boards and technical working groups for policy influencing within the public and private health sectors in Kenya.

Her prior job experience includes work assignments with Abt Associates, Catholic Relief Services, AIDSRelief and IDASA. At Abt Associates, Lennie was Senior Associate for International Health on the Partnership for Transforming Health Systems (PATHS2) project in Nigeria as the Deputy National Programme Manager, responsible for project strategic planning and donor and host government coordination. She also assisted the National Programme Manager in overseeing overall project management, operations and financial management for an annual budget of $25m.

Under Catholic Relief Services Lennie worked as Deputy Chief of Party/ART Coordinator and later as Chief of Party for the AIDSRelief/PEPFAR programme in Nigeria. She successfully wrote proposals and won funding to the tune of $21m for HIV/AIDS services in Year 4 and $30m in Year 5. She was responsible for representation with the USG team in Nigeria and was the main contact person for AIDSRelief with CDC Nigeria, church partners, local partners and the Government of Nigeria.

While working with the AIDS Budget Unit of IDASA in South Africa, Lennie managed an HIV/AIDS resource-tracking project in seven countries – South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia. She also worked for the University of Maryland as the Associate Country Director for UMSOM-IHV Rwanda, managing all University of Maryland projects (PEPFAR and Saddleback) projects in the country. She also served on the health care financing technical working group for Rwanda’s Ministry of Health and was part of the team that drafted the country’s health care financing policy.

As a healthcare cost economist, Lennie has been involved in various research studies including costing of ART services in Uganda and Senegal; costing of home-based care services in Uganda and feasibility for an ART insurance fund for civil servants in Uganda.

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Ugandan Diaspora Team
Ugandan Diaspora Team

The Uganda Diaspora Network is a forum aimed at bringing together Ugandans who live and work abroad by celebrating their contributions overseas and also encouraging them to give of their time, talents, ideas and expertise whilst inspiring the next generation of Ugandan leaders. Every year the Ugandan Diaspora Network will organize an annual Social Networking Gala and will also produce a quarterly publication highlighting the successes of the various Ugandans residing overseas. Please send us those inspirational stories and philanthropic work involving Ugandans abroad. We shall share these stories using this platform that is rapidly growing and expanding. The Next Diaspora Social Networking Gala will be Held on 30th December 2016 at The Kampala Serena Hotel.

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  1. kredit hausbau zinssatz
    October 22, 11:47 #1 kredit hausbau zinssatz

    EWTN’s Sunday Night Prime program will continue with other Franciscan Friars of the Renewal serving as hosts.Such as Fr. Andrew Apostoli of “Fatima for Today” fame?Or Fr. “Stan the Man” Fortuna?

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  2. http://www.hausratversicherung.tech/
    November 05, 02:54 #2 http://www.hausratversicherung.tech/

    Hvorfor sker det så ikke allerede? Der er, vil jeg mene, et stort marked for at kunne levere lidt billigere ansvarsforsikringer til unge mænd under 25, og endnu bedre, at stoppe dem der vil køre uansvarligt.

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  3. http://www./
    November 15, 12:56 #3 http://www./

    Kelly B, you are absolutely right. I forget sometimes that writing is my creative outlet and I am lucky to have it. Problem is, I want to be an artist, a musician, a choreographer, a dancer, a photographer, a movie maker – I want it ALL!

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